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Academic Guidance



The counseling program is an integral part of our total school program. Our school counselors work closely with the Edward Harris, Jr. Middle School staff, faculty, administrators, families, and community to provide a supportive, effective and safe environment in which all students can succeed. The Edward Harris, Jr. Middle School counseling program provides personal counseling for individuals and groups, academic guidance, and career exploration. Counselors assist students in identifying academic and career goals and in planning courses of study that will lead to the achievement of these goals. Students and families are encouraged to contact the counseling office to set up appointments if they would like to meet with a member of the counseling staff.
Class Schedule Changes

Class Schedule Changes

Schedule changes will be made during the first week of each term. Please use a Schedule Change Request form, located in the Student Services office. Changes will only be made when a student is misplaced in a course. Schedule changes after the first week of each term will only be considered upon administration review and for special circumstances. Changes can also be made upon the start of the new term when information based on interim assessments or progress monitoring indicates that a course level change will be needed.
Parent-Teacher-Student Conference (PTC)

Parent-Teacher-Student Conference (PTC)

PTCs are conducted with the goal of clarifying problems and concerns, identifying strategies for improving academic behavior and empowering students in understanding their role in academic success. A PTC is generally scheduled when a referral is generated by the student’s team teachers. Parent’s may also request a PTC if he/she feels there are concerns in more than one of his/her student’s classes. PTCs consist of all of the student’s current teachers, parents and students and it is facilitated by the student’s counselor. For individual concerns, please address these with the student’s teacher via e-mail or telephone contact. To schedule a PTC, please call the student services office at 688-0080.
Student Success Team (SST)

Student Success Team (SST)

SST meetings are scheduled when there is a need to review and discuss possible assessment for learning disabilities or behavior support plans (BSP). Prior interventions must be documented and recorded before moving forward with an SST meeting. An SST is a function of general education. It uses a systematic problem-solving approach to assist students who are not progressing at a satisfactory rate, clarifies problems and concerns, develops strategies and organized resources and provides a system for accountability. The SST consists of the parent, the student, an administrator, the school psychologist, the student’s teachers, the counselor and members of the Connections department. To schedule an SST please speak with the student’s counselor or the school psychologist at 688-0080.
Conflict Managers

Conflict Managers

To co-exist peacefully, students need skills to resolve conflicts that may arise. Peer conflict management teaches democratic principles and communication skills. It also offers a forum through which students can be a positive influence in their school community. Students who are having problems with each other, and who choose to discuss these problems with the assistance of a conflict manager, will work to reach an agreement. Once the agreement is reached, students who do not abide by the agreement will be referred for disciplinary action.
Safe School Ambassadors Referrals

Safe School Ambassadors Referrals

Early in the school year students will be identified to participate in a new program introduced to the Elk Grove Unified School District called Safe School Ambassadors. The program harnesses students’ power and equips them with skills to intervene with their peers to prevent and stop acts of cruelty, thereby building a safe learning community from the inside out. Creating the safe climate requires youth involvement, because students set the tone and determine the norms on a campus.
Referrals to appropriate community agencies/counseling

Referrals to appropriate community agencies/counseling

Please call or meet with a counselor for information on outside resources. Counseling, medical, pre-delinquent intervention resources are available for your needs.