Attendance and Tardies
Students are expected to attend school regularly. Academic success and achievement begin with a commitment to being punctual and prepared for the rigors of school. Maintaining this high standard will positively affect a student’s progress and grade as well as reinforce a strong work ethic for the future. Keep in mind that missing one class on the block schedule is equivalent to missing two classes on a traditional schedule. Therefore, attendance is extremely important. Regular attendance and punctuality are key elements in determining your success at Edward Harris Jr. Middle School. Irregular attendance will negatively affect class progress and grades. Parents/guardians, please feel free to call and check your student(s) attendance at any time. #AttendanceMatters
Classification of Absences
Classification of Absences
Classification of Absences
Excused | illness, doctor, eye or dental appointments, death in the immediate family |
Unexcused | truancy, flat tires, running out of gas, missing the bus, transportation issues, sibling or parent illness, oversleeping, suspensions, and vacations. |
School Approved | field trips |
How to Clear Student Absences
How to Clear Student Absences
How to Clear Student Absences
Report all student absences to EHMS Attendance: | |
Phone call |
Please identify the type of family member you are (e.g. mother, father, guardian, step-parents, grandparents).
Please call (916) 688-0080.
Notes | Notes are to be delivered to the Attendance Office before 7:40am, during lunch, or after school. Include in the note: student's name, identification number, dates of absence(s), reason for absence(s), a telephone number where parent/guardian can be reached to verify the note, and parent/guardian signature. |
‡ Absences must be cleared within three (3) school days beginning on the day they return to school. Students who do not clear their absence(s) within the three days will be considered truant from school.
‡‡ Students with excessive absenteeism will be reported to the School Attendance Review Board and may be required to provide verification of illness from a doctor.
Leaving School Early
Leaving School Early
Leaving School Early
Step 1 |
Parents must call (688-0080) or write a note asking that the student be released from school early. The note should include all of the information noted above as well as the date and time the student needs to be excused from class and the expected date/time of return. If a student is unable to return by the designated time, the parent should follow-up with a call or note. Edward Harris Jr. Middle School students must have parents sign students out before a permit to leave will be issued.
Step 2 | Students will be issued “Permit to Leave.” A pass will be sent to the student’s class telling them to pick up their permit in the Student Services Office. If the permit is not picked up and the student leaves the school grounds, the student will be recorded as truant. |
Step 3 | Returning to Class: Students must report to the Student Services Office upon return to school. Their readmit will be date/time stamped and the student will return to class. |
Homework Request When Absent
Homework Request When Absent
Homework Request When Absent
Homework will be provided for students who have five or more days excused absences due to illness, medical or personal. Teachers may provide homework at their discretion for students who are on home suspension. Please allow a minimum of 48 hours before picking up homework.
1st tardy | Teacher Warning |
2nd tardy | Teacher Detention or Consequence, Student signature on Tardy form acknowledging the tardy. |
3rd tardy | After-school detention |
4th tardy | After-school detention |
5th tardy | Saturday School (four hours, second assignment) |
6 or more tardies | Saturday School (four hours, third assignment) and/or SARB (School Attendance Review Board) |
*parent contact will be made if an after- or before-school consequence is assigned.
SARB (Excessive Absences/Tardies):
SARB (Excessive Absences/Tardies):
SARB (Excessive Absences/Tardies):
Students with chronic attendance problems (including excessive excused absences and excessive tardies) will be referred to SARB (Student Attendance Review Board). For more information on how SARB can help you, please contact a school office technician in the Student Services office.