Homework Policy
It is the belief of Edward Harris, Jr. Middle School that significant educational gains can be made by students through well-defined extended learning experiences directed by teachers and supported by parents. Extended learning is defined as school related and assigned work completed beyond the regular school day. The teacher, as the educational professional, directs the classroom; thus the school and classroom setting is the primary and most effective teaching and learning environment. Extended learning supplements and complements the teacher’s instruction.
Student Responsibilities
- Students are accountable for extended learning assigned.
- Students not understanding extended learning should, in a timely way, initiate contact with the teacher or other knowledgeable person to clarify the expectations for extended learning assignments
Students who miss schoolwork because of an excused absence shall, upon a timely request, be given the opportunity to complete all assignments and tests that can be reasonably provided, for full credit. As determined by the teacher, the assignments and tests can be reasonably equivalent to, but not necessarily identical to the assignments and tests missed during the absence. The school staff determines what are reasonable deadlines for accomplishing such make up work.